Hello lovely people! So today I turned SEVENTEEN YEARS OLD!!! Which meanssss that I can now watch rated-R movies (at a theater anyway) and read seventeen magazine validly lol .... Sadly it's also my LAST KID BIRTHDAY, which I say reluctantly, because who really WANTS to grow up, right?
Anyways...I just wanted to do a quick little post to celebrate not only MY birthday, but also MY BLOG'S BIRTHDAY :D Maybe you noticed the new name ^^^^ and if you didn't, well I went from "Fashion Specs: 16" to "Fashion Specs: 17" which I'm happy about because honestly the number 17 looks much more attractive than the number 16 ... Or maybe that's just me haha ;)
I want to take a few seconds, too, to thank everyone who's been watching my YouTube videos and reading my blogposts ... It really means a lot to me, and I look forward to making more videos and posting like a madwoman as a SEVENTEEN YEAR OLD (gosh that never gets old - I love birthdays)
SO ANYWAYS...have a nice rest-of-the-day, and thank you again to all of my readers/viewers :D